Does relationship counselling in London actually work?

relationship counselling london

Modern couples in London face a variety of challenges today. As a couples’ therapist in London, I define couples counselling or marriage guidance counselling is the process of helping couples - married or unmarried - understand, commune, and resolve conflicts in their relationships. It is a type of psychotherapy that strives to improve communication and emotional connection between partners. The aim is to help the couple develop a more supportive and fulfilling relationship.  

Research has shown that couples that work with relationship counsellors can be effective in improving relationships. One study found that 75% of couples who underwent therapy reported feeling more satisfied with their relationship after just eight sessions. Another study found that couples who participated in therapy were more likely to stay together than those who did not receive counselling. A therapy session with a marriage counsellor can save relationships and fix problematic patterns, such as sexual problems, self esteem issues, or assist in life transitions. 

Couples counselling can help to resolve a wide range of issues, including communication problems, conflict resolution, infidelity, and financial stress. It can also help to address larger issues such as abuse, addiction, and mental health problems. If you are struggling in your relationship, consider seeking out the help of a qualified counsellor. With time and effort, you may be able to improve the quality of your relationship. 

relationship counselling london

What is relationship counselling? 

Relationship therapy is a type of therapy that can help to improve communication and resolve conflict in romantic relationships. Couples may seek counselling for a variety of reasons, including difficulties with communication, trust, intimacy, or commitment. Counselling can be an effective way to explore these issues and develop new skills for managing conflict. During counselling sessions, couples will typically discuss their concerns with a trained therapist.  

The therapist will help couples to identify patterns of behaviour and communication that are contributing to their difficulties. Therapists may also provide guidance on how to effectively communicate needs and handle disagreements. Therapy can be beneficial for couples who are struggling to maintain a healthy relationship. With the help of a therapist, couples can learn new skills for communicating and resolving conflict. 


relationship counselling in london

How does relationship therapy work? 

Couples therapy, also called relationship therapy, is a type of psychological treatment that is designed to help couples improve their relationships. The goal of couples therapy is to help couples identify and resolve the issues that are causing problems in their relationship.  

Our relationship therapists then typically focus upon three main components: assessment, intervention, and outcome evaluation. During the assessment phase, psychosexual therapists (a therapist who specialises in relationship & sexual issues) will meet with the couple and ask them questions about their relationship. This information will be used to help the therapist determine what interventions need to be used.  

The intervention phase is when the therapist will work with the couple to address the issues that have been identified, such as personal development, issues from previous relationships, and other behavioural patterns that are unhelpful. Conversations that are aimed at providing skills and education about communication or conflict resolution are a large part of marriage counselling. Our counselling services helps couples to develop new skills, improve their mental health, and provides appropriate support as they resolve current & past issues.  

The outcome evaluation phase is when the therapist will meet with the couple again to see how they have progressed. Sometimes couples counselling will require one or both individuals to also have individual counselling in order to resolve the issues the relationship is facing. Couples therapy can be an effective way to improve relationships and resolve conflicts. Our central London practice is highly experienced and can assist your relationship. 

couple's therapy in london

What types of relationship issues do couples work on in therapy? 

Couples’ counselling can be helpful for addressing a wide range of issues. Common topics of discussion may include: communication problems, conflict resolution, financial stressors, fertility issues, drug abuse or addiction, future plans, issues with understanding, child care issues, self esteem, long-distance relationships, open relationships, and infidelity. In many cases, during the first appointment both you and your partner may not know what to say during couple counselling.  

As an experienced psychotherapist, it is often my job to help both you and your partner to understand exactly what the relationship problems are. During our first meeting, you both may want to only get an experience of being face to face on the online platform. Further information may also be needed as one partner may not always be ready or convinced that moving forward is right.  

The only option in this case, is to be patient and start to resolve problems that you can control. Couples therapists, often start working on the relationship problems with one of the individuals in the relationship in a safe environment. Couples therapists, can help to improve overall relationship satisfaction and intimacy.  

couple's therapy in london

Did you know? 

Many in the general population don't know that relationship counselling can also be for individuals. Couples may also seek therapy to deal with more specific issues, such as parenting disagreements or differences in sexual needs. Trained couple therapists can provide therapy for you or your partner that will help with understanding and to increase the subjects you may be open to discuss. The first session, is usually all that it takes for couples to decide if therapy is correct with a particular London based therapist or if they may want to have counselling and psychotherapy with another therapist in London.  

Is it too late for therapy? 

When a relationship is in crisis or a marriage breaks down, it can seem that ending things is the only option. Speaking with an expert in relationships can assist you in understanding the source of your conflicts and teach you the skills you need to turn things around. Often, when couples can't see a future, it is because they have never dealt with the challenges they are facing or don't know the tools necessary to move forward safely.  

relationship therapy in london

When it is too late... 

Relationship therapy is not always about keeping couples together. Couple's therapists also help couples separate as peacefully as possible. When the process of separation is in the best interest of those coming to therapy an experienced psychotherapist will help you to make that decision and explain to both of you why they are making that recommendation.  

couple's therapy in london

How does relationship difficulties improve with marriage guidance counselling? 

According to a study published in the journal "Psychotherapy," nearly 75% of people who receive therapy for relationship difficulties report improvement. Relationship difficulties can present themselves in a number of ways, such as feeling anxious or withdrawn around your partner, difficulty communicating effectively, or feeling hopeless about the future of the relationship.  

Counselling and psychotherapy sessions can provide an objective perspective and help you to identify patterns of behaviour that may be contributing to the difficulties you are experiencing. In addition, therapy can help you to develop new coping and communication skills that can improve your relationship. If you are struggling with relationship difficulties, therapy may be able to help. 

couple's therapy in london

How much does a therapist cost in London? 

The price of a therapist in London will vary from free to several hundred pounds per session. As a rule of thumb, the saying "You get what you pay for" applies to therapy. Most experienced and talented therapists will charge more than £150.00 per session for couples counselling. Individual therapy with a top London therapist normally ranges from £120 per session to several hundreds per session.  

Conclusion from a couple’s therapist in London 

Couple counselling can be an effective way to improve relationships and resolve conflicts. It can help couples to understand each other better, communicate more effectively, and develop new coping and communication skills. If you are struggling with relationship difficulties, therapy may be able to help. 

If you are struggling with relationship difficulties, Autonomous Psychotherapy can help. We offer couples counselling and therapy services that can improve your relationship. Contact us today to learn more about our services or to schedule a free first session. 

couple's counselling

Meet our experienced couple's therapists 

Relationships are a very important to all people in life. Getting great counselling ensures our relationships are healthy and satisfying. Afterall, the health of our relationships determines the health of our lives. Autonomous Psychotherapy & Counselling Ltd has been helping couples save and transform their relationships since 2002.  

Justin Duwe, is an expert psychologist and sexologist who has specialised training to help couples with a wide variety of common issues and very complex situations. He uses a range of therapeutic approaches including psychosexual, existential, psychodynamic, gestalt, cognitive behavioural, humanistic and mindfulness. In addition, he is an experienced family mediator, author and coach.  

Dr. Ramon Bennett, is a expert psychotherapist and counsellor. He has mastered addressing many complex issues couples bring to therapy. He uses a variety of counselling approaches to help couples overcome their relationship issues and to create healthier and happier relationships. In addition, he has a legal (including Family Law) and medical background, which he draws upon to support the clients he works with daily. He is also a family mediator, author and coach.  

Justin Duwe, MA, BSc, SAC Dip, Dip, MBACP (Accred)

Hi, my name is Justin Duwe. I'm a psychologist, sexologist, and author. I work with professional clients from all over the globe, offering tailored online counselling and psychotherapy for individuals, couples and groups.

The main body of my work is in the areas of Addiction treatment, Sex/Relationship Matters, Chemsex, Self-Esteem, Body Image, Anxiety disorders, Depression, Existential issues and more.

I've been working in mental health for over 15 years now. It's been a rewarding experience helping people deal with all sorts of challenges in their lives.

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Lets face it. Same sex couple’s counselling in London is different.